Just Guitar Australia
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  • Maton FG100 acoustic - 1972
    Aud $1,300.00

    Maton FG100 acoustic - 1972

    From June of 1972, this may well be the finest sounding Maton we’ve had in some time. Clear, vintage Gibson-like tone that rings out across any room

  • Joe Gallacher custom acoustic – ex-Rory Ellis
    Aud $3,350.00

    Joe Gallacher custom acoustic – ex-Rory Ellis

    A rare opportunity to own a guitar custom built for one of Australia’s top artists. A prized Joe Gallacher custom acoustic, at a great price…

  •  Guild F-20 Troubador, 1972
    Aud $1,750.00

    Guild F-20 Troubador, 1972

    Every old Guild we get in is always a treat, and this is no exception. Not quite parlor size, but very close to it, this is a fabulous small body acoustic!

  • Dobro Model 45, original 1938 square-neck model
    Aud $3,700.00

    Dobro Model 45, original 1938 square-neck model

    Several ways rare! An incredible opportunity to snare an historically important, Chicago-built, pre-war Dobro

  • 1937 - a good year for guitars. The year many of Martin's finest were built
    Aud $860.00

    Supertone ‘Singing Cowboys’ - rare first version, 1937

    All original, first year model in fantastic condition. Our listing includes a link to Vintage Guitar magazine’s 1000 year guitar history, including a section on the origins of Singing Cowboy guitars

  • Maton CW80, 1972 - built by Alan Hawking
    Aud $1,725.00

    Maton CW80, 1972

    A double slice of Australian guitar-making history – a seventies Maton CW80, built and signed by Alan Hawking of the Hawking Brothers!

  • Taylor T5-S1 – rare Midnight Blue
    Aud $2,875.00

    Taylor T5-S1 – rare Midnight Blue

    These astonishingly versatile guitars always sell very quickly. This fab 2005 model comes direct from one of Australia’s top session players

  • 1975 Maton CW80-12
    Aud $1,650.00

    Maton CW80/12, 1975. Astonishing condition!

    Here’s a real treat for anyone looking for a great 12-string acoustic. Hand built in Melbourne 40 years ago – looks like new!

Customer Feedback

Unbelievable value. And your couriers got it here so fast - overnight to Sydney!
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